Opportunities to irrevocably change life as you (and your community) know it, are few and far between. Being able to act on such an opportunity is remarkable!
Steve Jobs fondly referred to those people who set out to change the status quo as "the crazy ones".
The art, when you start this journey, is to have a great idea AND to persevere when it gets unimaginably hard. Only then do you earn your place in history as one of “the crazy ones”.
Innovation requires much more than a great idea. It also requires perseverance to implement and execute the great idea – and only then can you prosper from it.
This is a demanding team effort that requires vision, skill, grit and patience from every single stakeholder, and partner, every step of the way.
Why grit and patience? Ideas beget new ideas, which changes the direction of the final destination for the better.
And once you have invented, innovated and moved the state of your art forward, the world will be watching.
“The crazy ones” know that innovation requires full-time focus with deliberate strategic objectives and executable key results. They continually innovate, and keep adding to their competitive advantage, which creates a compounding inflationary effect on every other player in their field.
Turning a business idea into a commercial success is an exciting and super-fulfilling journey, and probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Partnering with the right people is mission-critical.
Gendac is an organisation that, for the past 26 years, has focused exclusively on assisting clients to create digital products (software and internet of things), from concept to commercialisation. The Gendac team thrives on making “the crazy ones” succeed by bringing their vision to life.
One of our favourite client testimonials has to be the following:
“I see how team members take ownership of each aspect of our project and how their patience, persistence and hard work increase the value of our IP sprint by sprint. The team doesn’t back away from complex challenges, and they simply don’t give up.
In time, as a client, you let go of your reservations and trust completely – because you know: Gendac’s got this.”
The innovation journey is a long and rewarding one, and is only for the brave!
To learn more, visit Gendac’s website or contact Corne Prinsloo, Chief Commercial Officer, directly on (+27) 12 349 1987.